Why Should You Develop Your Own Food Delivery App and What are the Advantages of Food Delivery App?

Deepali Jain
5 min readOct 29, 2021


Why Should You Develop Your Own Food Delivery App and What are the Advantages of Food Delivery App

So, you would be stunned if we told you that by 2025, the online food delivery app industry will be worth $200 billion? With the Corona pandemic in full swing, this figure could potentially rise.

Restaurant operators across the world have already jumped on board with the online delivering trend to grab new clients.

People have switched from ordering in-person to ordering online because it is simple, efficient, and transparent.

Before going any further, it’s a good idea to double-check the market size of the food delivery industry.

Important Statistics You Must Know About Online Food Delivery

Here are the important facts and statistics you must know;

By the end of 2021, the Online Food-Delivery segment is likely to generate USD 151,526 million in revenue.

By 2024, revenue is predicted to expand at a rate of 7.5 percent per year, culminating in a market volume of USD 182,327 million.

Platform-to-Consumer Delivery is the market’s largest segment, with a market volume of USD 79,608 million in 2021.

Reasons You Need a Dedicated Food Delivery Mobile App

In this post, we’ll discuss the reasons to develop a food delivery app;

1. Improve the efficiency of your delivery

When you work with a third-party app, the aggregator handles distribution, which can be a problem if the app isn’t available. Even if you are eager to serve in that region, the aggregator may not be present and extend its services there.

Another issue that occurs here is the delivery delay. Aggregators are frequently overburdened with orders, and their delivery crews are frequently overworked. This may cause unhappiness, and you may lose consumers as a result.

When creating a food delivery app for your restaurant, make sure you have enough delivery workers and tracking systems that are visible to both you and your customers, and that the food is delivered on time. This will ensure that your customers are happy and loyal.

If you don’t have enough time, simply choose an experienced food delivery app development company to do it for you!

2. You’ll have a direct line of communication.

Food aggregators prevent you from contacting YOUR CUSTOMERS. How do they manage to do it? Easy peasy, they have all of the databases, including client email IDs, phone numbers, and so on, however, you don’t have access to it and have no idea who your regular customers are or what type of service and amenities they want. This makes it impossible for you to have any sort of relationship with them.

You get to know your consumer and form a connection with them if you develop a meal delivery app for your restaurant. For a better reaction, you can also tailor offers, specials, and promotions. (It’s fantastic, isn’t it?) Customers who are loyal to your company go a long way toward making it successful.

3. Catering to the new foodie

Online food delivery apps have also provided a new avenue for specialized food aficionados to be targeted with exotic food specialties. All of your culinary endeavors into the department of food are now easier to sell than ever before. Niche and experimental meals from around the world are getting more popular as tastes and preferences become more globalized. Niche food options are getting a better marketing platform because of food apps’ greater audience reach than a tiny local street or neighborhood.

4. Increased convenience & transparency

Despite the fact that internet meal delivery has grown significantly in recent years, the industry has matured as a result of overall financial and technological adoption. The story, however, does not end here. Another significant motivator is to improve customer and merchant convenience and transparency.

Since this market has been booming for the past few years, it’s critical to construct a personalized mobile app if you’re trying to launch an on-demand food delivery app.

5. People from far-flung locations can place orders.

People who live on the outskirts of towns or in rural areas used to think that online food ordering was exclusive for the wealthier and urban population. Nevertheless, such constrained privilege has been supplanted by the more democratic and decentralized nature of on-demand food apps capable of delivering food in remote and faraway regions beyond city bounds.

6. Personalization with a broader scope

Whether you want less salt in your cuisine or more condiments to spice it up to your liking, building an UberEats clone apps gives you a lot of flexibility in customizing your meals. You can also choose restaurants with the quickest delivery times and give the delivery person specific instructions, such as not ringing the doorbell or carrying extra cutlery. Users who use on-demand food apps may have significantly more customized content than those who use conventional restaurant delivery.

7. A win-win situation for everyone

Food delivery applications are a big win for all stakeholders involved in the food supply chain. From restaurants to delivery agents to customers and food aggregator companies, everyone profits from this expanding industry. Customers gain access to a highly customized food delivery service that fits into their hectic affluent lifestyle, while restaurants gain more visibility, branding, and sales potential. People, on the contrary, can act as delivery agents, and the aggregator app can make money and build a name by preserving quality control.

8. Target the proper audience with ease and stay in touch with them.

Connect with your target market, and you’ll reap a slew of benefits for your business. It is critical to consider a food delivery app that can reach the millions of individuals who use restaurant or delivery services to drive the target market. The mobile application can assist you in accomplishing this without difficulty.

You’ll be able to communicate with your users as well. Customer happiness is a top priority in your target market. Furthermore, by consistently delivering discounts and incentives, users can be enticed to stay for a long period.


On-demand food ordering applications have practically become an inextricable part of urban life, with numerous benefits.

Looking for a partner that may help you build an UberEats clone app? If so, your search ends here!

Grepix Infotech is a leading food delivery app development company that would help you develop robust, efficient, and scalable food apps to take the right course of acquiring, engaging and retaining your users.



Deepali Jain

With over ten years of experience in management and customer relations, Deepali is a young and dynamic co-founder of Grepix. https://www.grepixit.com/